Tusa Switch Pro Fins SF0107 蛙鞋
TUSA HYFLEX SWITCH PRO 蛙鞋為了滿足進階潛水員的需求,提升了蹼面材質20%的硬度。在每次潛水踢動過程中,PU材質設計的蹼面能夠提供瞬間快速的反應,相較傳統蛙鞋TUSA 獨特的渦流動力系統可有效降低水阻與蹼面間的摩擦阻力。
- 動力源自於PU複合材質的蹼面
- 獨特渦流動力設計,大幅降低水阻與蹼面之間的摩擦力
- 腳套舒適度大幅提升,不論穿著哪種材質的套鞋都能輕鬆套入
- 複合材質設計的腳套,能有效增加傳輸到蹼面的動能
- 出廠時即配備五段調整式彈性鞋帶
- 獨特蹼面角度設計
- TUSA HYFLEX 系統能將腳套與蹼面分離,有利旅遊行李打包及輕量化考量
The TUSA HyFlex SWITCH Pro offers a 20% stiffer blade compound for the advanced diver. The PuRiMaX “Polyurethane Blade System” generates great forward propulsion and provides a quick “snappy” response to the diver’s every movement. TUSA’s unique “Vortex Generator” effectively reduces water resistance through the fin stroke normally found on traditional smooth blades.
- Powered by PuRiMaX “Polyurethane Blade System” : The fin blade is made of top quality Polyurethane material that provides a quicker response to movement over rubber and plastic fins.
- Vortex Generator : Six (6) performance ridges positioned behind the blade vent reduce resistance, creating a smoother and more efficient kick cycle.
- Performance enhancing “Comfort Foot Pocket”
- Multi-compound foot pocket increases power transfer to the fin blade
- Standard with Universal Bungee Strap (TA0902) : The heavy-duty elastic fin strap provides easy donning and doffing of fins. The quick adjustment accommodates five (5) adjustable positions.
- Angled Blade Design : The Angled Blade Design accommodates for this anatomical characteristic and ensures maximum efficiency throughout the kicking cycle.
- TUSA Hyflex System for a compact and lightweight travel package