Tusa Hyflex Switch Fins SF0104 蛙鞋




Tusa Hyflex Switch Fins SF0104 蛙鞋

TUSA Hyflex Switch SF0104 由PuRiMaX聚氨酯膠片系統提供動力,聚氨酯膠片對潛水員在水中的每一個動作都能快速的做出彎曲及回彈反應。Tusa獨家使用的vortex generator渦輪氣流產生系統能夠幫助潛水員降低水阻,配合Tusa Multi-Compound套腳鞋盒設計可以增加效能,有效的提升動能傳遞到蹼面。

TUSA Hyflex Switch 配備了全新可自行調整的彈力橡皮筋蛙鞋帶,提供非凡的舒適度及快速調整性

  • 由PuRiMaX提供動力的“聚氨酯膠片系統”,能快速對潛水員的動作做出反應
  • 渦輪氣流產生系統能幫助潛水員降低水阻
  • 舒適鞋盒設計,不論穿著橡膠鞋底的套鞋或不織布毛氈底(菜瓜布底)套鞋都能輕鬆套入
  • 自行調整的彈力橡皮筋蛙鞋帶
  • 輕便、耐用,能夠有效減少腳的力量並增加推動力
  • 可將蛙鞋蹼面跟蛙鞋鞋盒部份分開 ( 分開後只有40cm 長度) 方便您輕便收納,適合到處旅遊攜帶


The TUSA SF0104 Hyflex switching fin is powered by the PuRiMaX “Polyurethane Blade System”. The polyurethane blade can make a quick “bending” response to every movement of the diver. TUSA’s unique “vortex generator” effectively reduces water resistance through the fin-like stroke normally found on traditional smooth blades. TUSA’s Multi-compound foot bag can increase power transmission to the fins. The TUSA Hyflex Switch is equipped with a new universal rubber band strap that provides extraordinary comfort.

TUSA HyFlex Switch fins is very travel friendly and great for carry on. You can take the foot pocket and fin blade apart and you are good to go.

  • Powered by PuRiMaX “Polyurethane Blade System”
  • Vortex Generator
  • Performance enhancing “Comfort Foot Pocket”
  • Multi-compound foot pocket increases power transfer to the fin blade
  • Standard with Universal Bungee Strap (TA0902)
  • Offset Blade Design
  • TUSA Hyflex System for a compact and lightweight travel package



Black, Flash Yellow, Metallic Dark Red, Fishtail Blue, White, Rose Pink


XS, S, M, L