Scubapro Definition Wetsuit 3mm 防寒衣




Scubapro Definition Wetsuit 3mm 防寒衣

  • 使用3D人體工學設計,使用特殊的裁縫和材料來補償身形的線條
  • 獲得CE APPROVED認證的頂級潛水服,適合水溫高於72ºF/22ºC使用(因人而異)
  • Infrared (IR)羊毛絨內裡能夠反射體內的熱量,提供更好的保溫效果
  • N2S材質提供完美的保暖度和舒適感
  • 帶有黃銅拉鍊頭的YKK拉鍊提供更好的耐用性
  • 腳踝和手腕上的單拉鍊具有耐用性、防水性和易用性
  • 肩膀和臀部使用耐磨材質,針對肘部和護膝提高長期耐用性
  • 胸口處的領口拉鍊能夠提升舒適度,水面休息時間更舒服
  • 手臂上的I SAFE 防滑設計可以固定潛水電腦錶
  • 使用X-FOAM製成,不含石油的石灰石氯丁橡膠
  • 使用無溶劑膠水黏合,100%綠色環保

With new technology in wetsuit craftsmanship, comes the all new Scubapro Definition Wetsuit. Made with Body Map System, a method that uses 3D cut, special tailoring and material inserts, this piece of wetsuit is able to fit on your body like a glove. It offers extra stretch where it’s needed most, and also a new realm of warmth, comfort and durability like never before.

The Scubapro Definition 3MM wetsuit is equipped with Ultraspan chest panel and Stretchtec side panels, which helps to deliver great stretch, comfort and range of motion. Now, you can be sure that you can the best of both worlds-comfort and freedom of movement.

And in the interior, there is the infrared fleece which reflects body heat and ratchets up the warmth even more. Besides warmth retention, it is also comfortable as can be against the skin.

  • Suit is assembled using a solvent-free glue, a 100% green process.
  • Built with the Body Map System, an exclusive manufacturing method that uses special tailoring and material inserts to compensate for the stresses of the human body.
  • N2S (Nylon 2 Sides) construction delivers the perfect level of warmth and comfort.
  • Diagonal rear YKK zipper with brass slider offers increased long-term durability and ease of use.
  • Single zippered seals on ankles and wrists feature YKK brass sliders for durability, water-tightness and ease of use.
  • Wrist and ankle zippers on women’s suits are extra-long for added convenience.
  • Abrasion-resistant fabric on shoulders and seat, along with bigger abrasion-resistant printed shoulders, elbow and knee pads, cover more exposed areas and increase long-term durability.
  • Small neck zipper enhances topside comfort, eliminating the need to re- move the suit between dives.
  • I-Safe straps on both arms offer non- slip mounting spots for securing wrist instruments.
  • Made from X-Foam, a petroleum-free, limestone neoprene.
  • CE certified a Class D dive suit: rated for water temperatures above 72ºF/22ºC.




重量 1.78 公斤
尺寸 32 × 52 × 14 公分

Male, Female
