IST SN-36 Snorkel 呼吸管(可折疊,自由潛水適用)
IST SN36 呼吸管柔軟、可折疊,咬嘴使用高級的矽膠製成,舒服的咬嘴角度能幫助潛水員放鬆下顎肌肉,簡約的設計及實用的功能性成為自由潛水者及漁獵者的必備呼吸管
The tube and mouthpiece of SN36 are made entirely from top grade silicone. The angle of the mouthpiece allows the user to breathe easily with relaxed jaw muscles. This stylish spearfishing / free diving snorkel is supple and comfortable to use in any condition.