Gull Super Bullet Snorkel 呼吸管




Gull Super Bullet Snorkel 呼吸管

Gull推出全新Super Bullet 呼吸管,100%日本製造,是Gull呼吸管當中效能最佳的系列。流線型的設計能夠降低水阻,可移動的咬嘴可以自由的調節角度,能夠為您找到最自然、最舒適的位置。適合潛水員、浮潛使用。

  • 獨特的流線型設計,避免因頭部移動時的拉扯感
  • 較寬的管身能夠輕鬆的給予最大的吸氣量
  • 獨家雙排水閥設計,即便海水進入呼吸管內也能透過兩道排水閥輕鬆的將水排出,不易發生吃水或嗆水等問題,排水效果是各品牌呼吸管當中表現最佳的一款
  • 安全快速的快卸面鏡夾,只要按壓快卸夾的任一側即可快速的將呼吸管從面鏡上安裝或卸下
  • 特殊的咬嘴設計只需輕鬆的輕含咬嘴,能夠有效的減少使用時的下顎疲勞程度,即便長時間的使用之下依然很舒服


Gull Super Bullet Snorkel is the top end of snorkel from G series of Gull Line. 100% made in Japan.Extremely easy to clear with twin purge valve technology.

Enabling you to make headway with less water resistance, the streamlined pipe provides great drag reduction. Less drag also means less vibration and discomfort from tube shift.

Everyone loves the easy way Gull snorkels clip to the mask. It is simple to attach and detach the snorkel: just squeeze either side of the clip that attaches to the mask strap.

Doubling the number of valves to two enables you clear much more water from the snorkel much more quickly. The design also effectively channels water that is not expelled away into drainage wells and away from your mouth. Now, you can actually enjoy coming up for air.

With a wide-bore pipe enabling a large volume of air flow, Super Bullet provides the smoothest air intake of all the Gull snorkels.

Adjust the angle of the mouthpiece to get a natural comfortable fit that suits you.

  • Stabilizer pipe
  • Streamlined tube reduces vibration and discomfort from tube shift.
  • One touch clip
  • It is easy to attach and detach the snorkel:just squeeze either side of the clip that attaches to the mask strap.
  • Movable mouthpiece
  • Freely adjust the angle to easily find the most natural, comfortable position for you.
  • Twin purge valves
  • With double the usual number of purge valves you can clear water more quickly from the snorkel. After expulsion, by channeling any water that remains into the purge chambers, the design diverts water away from your mouth.


重量 0.18 公斤
尺寸 48 × 20 × 8 公分

Fl Orange, Black, S Blue, Super White, G Metal, YL Gold, EVN Red, Rose Pink, MDN Purple, EVN Yellow