Cressi Ultra Stretch 1.5mm Neoprene Socks 襪套
Cressi 超彈力伸縮潛水襪採用極柔軟的1.5mm厚、雙層內襯的Ultraspan氯丁橡膠製成,襪口有防滑落的Aquastop密封設計,不僅能夠完美的包覆,還有止滑耐磨的鞋底,適合船潛及使用套腳式蛙鞋的潛水員或進行室內室外水上活動者使用。
- 1.5mm雙層內襯的Ultraspan氯丁橡膠製成,極致柔軟、超彈力伸縮
- 防滑耐磨鞋底
- 襪口使用Aquastop密封設計,完美包覆
Created in extremely supple, 1.5 mm thick, double-lined Ultraspan neoprene, these socks have non-slip and anti-wear soles and an Aquastop seal in single-lined neoprene at the top.
They are perfect for all indoor and outdoor water sports, thanks to the high protection and thermal function that they offer.
- 1.5 mm double-lined Ultraspan Neoprene
- Anti-slip sole
- Aquastop top sealing