Scubapro Nova Light 850R 潛水手電筒
Scubapro推出全新Nova 850R潛水手電筒可提供強烈的照明,不論是夜潛或日間潛水都能為您展現鮮豔的色彩。材質採用優質的鋁合金製成,既輕巧又堅固耐用,而消光黑的表面更顯帥氣。
- Nova 850R可以使用充電式電池(18650)
- 尺寸:23公分 x 4.3公分
- 重量(含電池):510克
- 堅固的鋁製機身俱有堅固的啞光黑色飾面和藍色點綴,可提供輕巧的長期耐用性和高品質的外觀
- 配有Cree XPL LED
- 850流明的照明度 17,000 lux @ 1m; CCT(相關色溫):4200ºK
- 光束角度:8º
- 加長的燈頭護罩可防止光束讓其他潛水員目眩不適
- 雙O環確保良好的密封性
- 特殊的安全鎖定模式可防止不必要的電力浪費
- 安全的超壓閥能夠釋放電池氣體
- 492ft / 150m的深度內都能安全無虞的使用
The new Nova 850 diving light delivers intense illumination, ideal for lighting up the dark spaces and bringing out the vibrant colors on night dives as well as day dives. It is machined from heavy-duty aluminum with a rugged matte black finish so is both lightweight and built to last.
It’s also easy to use. A 50% mode allows you to increase burn time if you don’t need the full power. For divers looking to brighten their dives, the Nova 850 is the perfect choice. The Nova 850 is powered by 3C cell disposable or rechargeable batteries (not included).