OMS IQ LITE CB Signature 背囊式BCD
OMS IQ Lite Cummerbund 背囊式BCD與Performance Mono Wing27 lbs 配對,輕量完美專為時常旅行或訴求輕量的潛水員而設計
- 重量僅2.5kg
- 軟板設計
- 魔鬼氈腰帶
- 右邊的袋子除了可以放配重之外,亦可以放其他潛水物件
The IQ Lite Cummerbund Bcd paired with 27lbs performance mono wing is super-lightweight. Perfect for the travelling diver with a no-fuss setup.
The Wing and Harness are already paired together and is easily adjustable to fit each individual diver. From the built-in tank stabilizer bars to the weight release system, this thoughtful design is perfect go anywhere BCD.
Package includes:
- IQ Backpack Cummerbund
- Perfomance Mono Wing
- Cam Bands
- Vertical Weight System