IST Hunter MP-203 Mask 面鏡
IST Hunter 面鏡是 IST 面鏡系列裡的頂級首選!
- 極低的低容積
- 旋轉式壓扣、易調扣帶
- 高質量的有機矽膠,提供柔軟舒適的密封裙邊
- 適合作為獵魚/自由/潛水或備用面鏡,也可以折疊後輕鬆放入BCD口袋
- 使用鋼化玻璃提升安全性和耐用性
IST Hunter Mask is the top series of IST Sports. With more than 30 years of mask development. The mask comes is fine quality and design.
The mask is absolutely a must for all free diving enthusiast. Being a low volume mask, it is a free dive favourite. With the highest quality silicone available. It offers a soft comfortable seal.
- Extremely low volume design.
- Swivel and easy-adjust buckles.
- Ideal for hunters and photographers.
- The highest grade silicone available for a soft comfortable seal.
- Perfect as a spearfishing, free diving or back-up mask as it folds and fits easily in your BCD pocket.
- Tempered glass for safety and durability.
- Non-polish finished mask skirt prevents from reflecting of sunlight.