APEKS RK3 是與美國海軍共同研發,並且廣受潛水員好評的一款高效能蛙鞋,在2018年更加入HD版(加強硬度版),深受軍方和潛水員愛戴。
RK3 HD 比標準的RK3採用了更高密度的材料製成,硬度更強、動力更大,適合喜歡蛙鞋蹼面較重的潛水員或穿著乾衣的潛水員。
由於RK3 HD使用全新化合物製成,相較於中性浮力的標準版RK3,HD版為負浮力。
- 結構緊密,堅固耐用,適用於惡劣環境
- 改進的腳套配有彈簧帶,方便穿脫
- 短蹼面提供最大的推動力,同時保持良好的靈活性
- 通風蹼面設計降低了前進的水阻並增強了向下踢動的推力
- 蹼面材料設計用於承受最惡劣的環境、溫度
- 特制設計的帶扣將彈簧帶固定在最佳位置
- 尺寸: M (套鞋23-25)、L (套鞋26-28)、 XL (套鞋28以上)
Apeks RK3 fins has been the standard for Military, Special Ops, Coast Guard, and Public Safety Divers for decades. It is a traditional all rubber design.
Compact, and ultra-rugged for use in harsh environments. Improved foot pocket with spring straps for ease of use with cold hands or thick gloves. Short wide blade provides maximum forward thrust while maintaining great maneuverability. Vented blade design reduces resistance on the upstroke and enhances thrust on the downstroke. The vents also eliminate vortexes that can occur along the back of the blade much in the same way split fins eliminate the vortex.
The blade material designed to hold up in the toughest environments, temperatures and abuse. Two large grommet holes designed to fit most carabiners for easy storage of the fins while accessing the dive site. Spring straps as standard, and custom designed buckle holds spring straps in optimum position. Simple push pin design allows simple replacement of springs if necessary.
The Apeks RK3 HD is made from a higher density material than the standard RK3, which makes the fin stiffer and heavier. The Apeks RK3 HD Fins was developed in response to feedback from divers who prefer a heavier fin. The new compound of the RK3 HD adds weight to make it more negatively buoyant than the standard RK3.
- Based on one of the first vented rubber Apeks RK3 Fins sold in North America and popular among military and professional divers.
- Compact, and ultra-rugged for use in harsh environments.
- Improved foot pocket with spring straps for ease of use with cold hands or thick gloves.
- The design has been the standard gear issue fin for military, special ops, coast guard and public safety divers for decades.
- Short wide blade provides maximum forward thrust while maintaining great manoeuvrability.
- Vented blade design of the Apeks RK3 Fins reduces resistance on the upstroke and enhances thrust on the downstroke.
- The vents also eliminate vortexes that can occur along the back of the blade much in the same way split fins eliminate the vortex.
- The blade material designed to hold up in the toughest environments, temperatures and abuse.
- Two large grommet holes designed to fit most karabiners for easy storage of the fins while accessing the dive site.
- Spring straps as standard.
- Custom designed buckle holds spring straps in optimum position.
- Simple push pin design allows simple replacement of springs if necessary.